Good Shepherd: Part 1

Good Shepherd


Jesus says, I am the Good Shepherd: Part 1

By: Pastor Patty

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd sacrifices his life for the sheep. 12 A hired hand will run when he sees a wolf coming. He will abandon the sheep because they don’t belong to him and he isn’t their shepherd. And so the wolf attacks them and scatters the flock. 13 The hired hand runs away because he’s working only for the money and doesn’t really care about the sheep. 14 “I am the good shepherd; I know my own sheep, and they know me, 15 just as my Father knows me and I know the Father. So I sacrifice my life for the sheep. 16 I have other sheep, too, that are not in this sheepfold. I must bring them also. They will listen to my voice, and there will be one flock with one shepherd.

(John 10:11-16)

It is wonderful to be able to share with all of you on this passage. Jesus made plenty of ‘I Am’ statements that shed light on His character and great love for us. Last week Monica spoke about Jesus being the good shepherd and this week we are going to continue this topic. If you didn’t get a chance to read her blog make sure to take a minute to go through that.    

Jesus here is comparing himself to a shepherd but not just a shepherd, he is the good shepherd. He is not a hired hand that when a crisis emerges starts questioning if his salary is worth the sacrifice.


A hired hand has an option to stay or leave…

but the owner is completely invested.

He will stay when everyone has left.

He will not stop until the work is done.


My husband and I enjoy watching “Shark Tank” and there are 2 questions that get asked a lot of the entrepreneur. “Do you hold another job?” and “How much have you invested into the company?” This past week we saw an episode where these 2 men with a wife and 3 children each were working this “start up” business full time and had even sold their homes to get the capital to launch. At first I thought that these actions were so irresponsible but I soon realized it was a matter of the heart. They believed in their product so much that they did not need a plan B.

Looking back at this I hear the Lord speak and tell me, “I am the good shepherd and I want you with no contingencies attached.” Jesus knows you and calls you by name. He may have other flock but He still wants you. He is 100% invested in you and yearns to see the plan and purpose He that created you for, come to LIFE. When you don’t believe in yourself or see “it”, let go and trust that the one who holds the universe in His hands believes in you and sees “IT.” God believed in you and loved you so much that  “… he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Jn 3:16


Action Point: Take a couple of minutes today to reflect in who God is and how Jesus is the GOOD SHEPHERD in your life.

Patty Perez