LEGACY: Impart and go beyond yourself

A few months ago we held a Women of Favor breakfast and we spoke a bit about Legacy. I feel very passionate about this subject that applies to us all. As we go through life we need to fix our eyes upon Jesus and go beyond ourselves and think about leaving a LEGACY. We will not be here 200 years from now but we can definetly impact the future by walking in the CALL that God has placed before us. The WORD of God calls for us to train up and teach others in the ways of the LORD.

Who is suppose to do this?

Here are a few things for us to think about:

1. We are all older than someone: Think of it in terms of young children.Your seven year old learns to tie their shoe and in turn teaches your four year old the same skill. They don’t know much but they teach what they know. 

2. You don’t have to teach everything. Nobody expects you to be a walking Biblical encyclopedia. But you can teach them something. Whether it is to rely on Christ and point them to Him, or to teach them to pray. When you are going through hard times, just watching a Biblical response to trials and fear is the best lesson you can pass along. Practically, you can teach whatever you are good at: baking, cutting down a tree, preparing a budget, arranging, setting up a candy station, etc…

3. Teach them that God is sovereign over their life, even if it looks different than yours.  I have three daughters and I am training them that God is sovereign. I am not training them to be “a mommy”, or to be a wife, although those things are important. I am training them to do whatever God puts in their path  for and to His glory and with the goal of furthering His Kingdom.  When I wake up in the morning, before I climb out of bed, I pray and thank God that he is in control and welcome whatever He brings into my life this day.

4.Teach them what scripture teaches, and no more.  The best lesson you can teach is to trust in God and to seek wisdom from Him on areas that are “indifferent” in scripture.  Teach them to balance their liberty in Christ with self denial; grace and righteousness; obedience to God and love.... Many Christian people today were not raised up in a God fearing household. It is for us ”The Church” to rise up!

You can never have too many opportunities to be in the Presence of God, fellowship with God fearing men and women of God, or study the Bible too much.

Patty Perez