3W: Daily at Home Schedule

As all our schools are closed for the upcoming weeks, we wanted to share a resource to help parents navigate this new road ahead of them. During the next couple of weeks our children need structure and a routine in their day.  

One of our Sunday School supervisors has put out a suggested schedule to help parents try to set a routine for the upcoming weeks. The start and end of the day is centered on Christ! Giving the Lord our first fruits of the day is so important. Take this time to not only educate your kids academically but train them up in the Lord.

For the Bible Memory Verse, I recommend you go through Psalm 91 verses 1- 8. Have your children memorize verse one on day 1 and add a verse each day until they know verses 1-8. Another good passage to work through is Psalm 23. 

I have included some of our student ministry's favorite praise & worship song links.

God Bless You,

Pastor Patty Perez 

Patty Perez