Fruit Bowl Living

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“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5

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My mom has a bowl full of fruit on the counter. It has both real fruit and fake fruit. Often, the only way to tell the difference is by picking up a piece of fruit. Do you ever feel like you are the fake fruit in the bowl? Looking like the real thing but not really feeling or smelling like it. (Spiritually speaking)


On the outside your life is looking like real fruit, you are going to church, serving in ministry, attending small groups and even participating but on the inside, in your spirit, you don’t have any new fruit growing. You are still living on that Camp experience from when you were 13, or from that spiritual growth spurt you had when you were 20. Let’s face it, our Christian walk can get stale, reading the scriptures can feel route and boring, praying to God can put you right to sleep. But it does not have to be that way!

The verse mentioned above says “apart from me, you can do nothing.” Apart from whom? Jesus. The Word. (John 1:1-3) One of the key factors of spiritual growth and producing fruit in our lives is the Word of God. The nutrients that feed our spirit and help us bear fruit are found in God’s word. Jeremiah 15:16 says “Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by your name, O Lord, God of hosts.”

One of the best ways to get into the word every day is to develop the habit of a daily devotional time. To really develop this habit, there is a super simple “baby steps” approach you can read about here from Well Watered Women. Sign up for the Word Before World.  challenge here.  It’s not rocket science, no theology degree necessary!

There are many ways to do a devotional. I prefer a journal style because I like to write, underline, highlight and of course doodle. There are also email type devotionals that go right to your inbox, and for the trendy techies, there is You Version Bible app. The good news? There is no wrong way to do a devotional! Changing it up is a great way to keep it fresh!

But wait there is more! The reading, writing, memorizing scripture and the praying part of devotional life only involves the left side of your brain. To experience nutrient rich soil on which to grow fruit we need to also use the right side of your brain. This involves the joy and attachment experience that comes from other believers, relationships, small groups, people connections and community. This is where we can identify with other believers and are able to “ripen” those fruits as we hear testimonies, share life experiences, and learn from each other. The bonds created in these groups sustain us when the pruning process happens. Without this component, our spiritual lives become stagnant. It’s like being a pro-golfer on a game console but never holding a golf club in your hand! In this community, the branches grow together from the vine, producing their fruit.

When Jesus was on earth, he spent 3 years not only teaching the disciples but modeling for them the principles he was teaching them. Remember when the disciples told the children not to bother Jesus? Jesus’ response was, “no, let the little children come to me,” he was showing them that even the least of these were important for his kingdom. He demonstrated to them how to heal, how to show mercy, how to love on people. Similarly, when we hear testimonies of how people apply the word in the day to day, or share the gospel with boldness, it encourages our own faith walk while we also support and encourage theirs.

So how do we make sure we are the real fruit in the bowl? Develop a daily habit of meeting with God and reading his word and “do not neglect to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:25.



Devotional Ideas

·      Daily Bible reading and devotional from 3W church available via text or email (text: devotional to 786-226-7343

·      YouVersion Bible app free via apple store or google apps.

·      Buy a book of 365 daily devotions, several available on in a variety of themes, also available specifically for men or women.


·      Free resource Our Daily Bread available in print format or via email. Format: Quarterly, super short entries, story and verse reference.

·      Free resource Today in the Word from Moody radio. Format: Monthly, topic, theme, person, or book of the bible. Offers insights and explanations for passages.

·      Email devotionals from various preachers For example: Rick Warren, Tony Evans,

·      She Reads Truth

·      Read a bible plan (tons out there)


To Change It Up

·      Highlight, take notes and mark your devotional books

·      Read the bible out loud!

·      Do a bible study workbook

·      Read a proverb a day (There are 31)

·      Read a Psalm a day

·      Try Bible Journaling or Bible illustrating

·      Write out scripture in a notebook

·      Ask a friend what they do. Plan to share something from your devo on a set day or time.

·      Find scripture to support the lyrics from your favorite praise and worship songs

·      Do an advent devotional for Christmas (or any time during the year)

·      Do a lent devotional for Easter (or any time during the year)

·      Teach a friend

·      Go to a different small group

·      Read the same book of the bible over and over for a month (great way to learn what God’s word says!)

Elaine Perez